My wife, Janice Siegel, and I have been together for more than 50 years. Janice has had a stellar career as a litigator for the EEOC, the Division of Land and Natural Resources at the Justice Department, an Assistant US Attorney for the Eastern District and New York, and a specialist in environmental class action litigation in private practice. Among her proudest achievements is playing an important role in having 5 pristine rivers in Northern California declared "Wild and Scenic," thereby preventing commercial development; they remain so designated to this day - and the rivers are truly spectacular. I call them the "STEAK Rivers" - the Smith, Trinity, Eel, American and Klamath.
She is also a political junkie and community activist. She is on the board and a legal advisor to "The Friends of Brightwood Park" which is devoted to keeping a local nature sanctuary in our prior town of Westfield, NJ, in good condition and preventing it from being used for inappropriate activities.
My older son, Matthew, is a barber and an advanced ski instructor at Stowe, VT. Matt is an expert Telemark skier, which he has taken to a new level by creating what can only be described as "ski dancing." Have a look at his Instagram channel where he has over 18,000 followers. Matt and I recently came up with and patented a new skier safety and convenience device that we call "Monkey Straps" and we've started a company to commercialize it.
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